Auto Services and RepairsAuto Body Repair and Auto Paint ShopAuto Glass ReplacementTowing ServicesTransportation Services
Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 7:30am to 6:00pm and also Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm
Driving Directions:
Please call us for driving directions so that we may know where your start point is and we can get you to us safely.
About Us
Rick's Paint & Body aims to make your experience with our paint and body shop fast, affordable, and always a pleasure. It's that frame of mind that has earned us the honor of being one of the best paint and body shops in the Augusta GA area! Serving the CSRA since 1976, Rick's has the perfect blend of size, experience, and top-notch customer service to make the auto repair process painless and hassle-free. Our young, energetic staff is here to assist you with all of your auto body repair needs, from a fully-involved collision repair to paint-less dent removal and dent repair. Call us today for a free estimate and find out for yourself why Rick's Paint and Body is the area's #1 body shop!
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