ChurchesArts, Theaters and EntertainmentChurch: Children's and Youth MinistryFood BankMen's & Women's MinistriesMental Health CounselingNon-Profit OrganizationsRecovery MinistriesSenior Adult Ministry
Driving Directions:
The Sanctuary is located at 4584 Cox Road in Evans (adjacent to Evans High School).
About Us
The Sanctuary is a non-denominational, Spirit-filled church with a diverse membership. We are located in Evans, GA and welcome anyone who walks through the doors. Our worship style is a contemporary traditional blend.
General Information.
We offer corporate worship as well as opportunities to connect with other believers through small group fellowship. Visit our website at www.mysanctuary.org
- Men's/Ladies/Youth/Senior Ministries
- Celebrate Recovery/Recovery Ministries
- Food Bank/Missions
- Music Ministry
- Competitive and Fellowship Athletics